Thursday, April 12, 2018

There and back....again (very heavy sigh)

     So, I was unable to upgrade my flight to the US, but I was bound and determined to upgrade the return 13 hour flight.  I had spent too much time flying over the holidays and was still not 100%.  I spent an UNHOLY amount to upgrade to first class because business was booked.  So, I had a private little roomlike thing, a pair of "pj's" and a chair that converted to a bed.  I was ready to go, and the only thing that could have made the flight better was alcohol.  Saudi Airlines does NOT serve alcohol.  I had a glass of wine in the lounge before I left, so I was ok.  Because I had upgraded at the last minute I was left with a choice of meals.  Lamb or curry.  Yup, not doing it.  I got an "extra" seafood dinner from business class, and I was not happy, but was able to eat.
     About half way through my journey, I was struck, almost suddenly, by a full-blown migraine.  Before I could even think about doing anything, I was puking.  I had to call a flight attendant for more barf bags.  I was cursing the wasted cost of first class, but grateful I had an actual bed like thing to lay down on.  I was also grateful for the "pj's" they had given me as a slightly better option than the wretched clothes I was wearing when the puking commenced. 
      I finally decided it had to have been caused by the air blowing on me in first class.  Unlike coach, the ceilings are higher and there are no individual air vents to control.  After asking for more barf bags, the flight attendants did not bother to check on me again until they woke me up to ask me if I wanted breakfast.....REALLY?!?  I finally managed to convince them that I was not able to walk out on my own and would require a wheel chair.  Apparently, a wheel chair gets you whipped through customs...just sayin.  I then had, what turned out to be, a 4 hour wait in the airport in Jeddah for transport back to the base.  I literally formed a fort of my luggage and laid down in a deserted corner of the airport to await my ride.  I was given a full seat to myself in the van to maintain a horizontal position.
     I arrived in my room at 10:30 pm.  I did not feel any better, but I just wanted to try and sleep.  So, after a shower, I crawled into bed.  At 2:00am, I finally gave up and stumbled across the street to the hospital ER.  I was able to mumble, "migraine...vomiting" before I started dry heaving again.  That got me into a bed quickly, where the doctor proceeded to ask me what was wrong.  Again, "migraine...vomiting" before I started dry heaving again.  He wanted to know how I knew it was a migraine....had I been actually diagnosed?  WTF?  He then asked me what I wanted.  Anti-nausea meds, pain meds, and a saline IV for fluids.  I was given an IV with god knows what and finally felt like I could move.  I had to BEG for a tiny saline drip.  When I finally left the ER, it was 6:30am and my medical note said I could go home and go back to bed.  Took me 2 days bedrest to achieve vertical.

More drama to follow.